

Truvia Products

Truvia Packets

Truvia Spoonable

Truvia Packet

Offer exclusively available on Shopmium application


Truvia Products
Truvia Packets
Truvia Spoonable
Truvia Packet
on your purchase*
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Truvia, Packets and Spoonable

About the product

Purchase dates

This offer expired on Sunday 9/21/14 - 11:59PM EDT.

Offer terms and conditions

* : Offer "Save $1.00 on your purchase", valid only for the purchase of one Truvia packets or spoonable product.

The rebate will be credited to your bank or PayPal account after approval of your Truvia receipt submission and if requested, a product validation barcode scan. The offer is limited to one per customer/ bank or PayPal account/ email address.
This offer cannot be combined with other special offers and will be rebated providing the total rebate amount is not more than the final purchase price of the product.
It is available from 08/07/2014, until stock is depleted and at a maximum deadline of 09/21/2014. This offer is subject to the availability of the product in the USA. Any rebate request should be addressed no later than 09/27/2014.

About the product

Everything’s sweeter with Truvía® natural sweetener. Made from the sweetest part of the stevia leaf, it tastes wonderful and delivers a promise of zero-calories. And unlike other stevia products on the market, it's great-tasting every time.

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