


Red Grape 750ml bottle

Wild Elderflower & White Grape 750ml bottle

White Grape 750ml bottle

Rosé 750ml bottle

Orchard Apple & White Grape 750ml bottle

Tropical Mango & Passion Fruit 750ml bottle

Light Crisp Cranberry & Raspberry 750ml bottle

Light Red Grape 750ml bottle

Light White Grape 750ml bottle


Red Grape 750ml bottle
Wild Elderflower & White Grape 750ml bottle
White Grape 750ml bottle
Rosé 750ml bottle
Orchard Apple & White Grape 750ml bottle
Tropical Mango & Passion Fruit 750ml bottle
Light Crisp Cranberry & Raspberry 750ml bottle
Light Red Grape 750ml bottle
Light White Grape 750ml bottle
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Shloer Sparkling Juice Drink

* Valid ONLY if 2 Shloer bottles are bought at the same time. Both products must be on the same receipt.
Available at Sainsbury's, Tesco, ASDA, Morrisons, Co-op.

Purchase dates

This offer expired on Thursday 19/10/17 - 11:59PM.

Offer terms and conditions

* : The "Buy One Shloer, Get One For FREE" offer is valid only for the purchase of 2 Shloer 750ml bottles:
- Shloer Red Grape 750ml bottle
- Shloer White Grape 750ml bottle
- Shloer Rosé 750ml bottle
- Shloer Wild Elderflower and White Grape 750ml bottle
- Shloer Orchard Apple & White Grape 750ml bottle
- Shloer Tropical Mango & Passion Fruit 750ml bottle
- Shloer Light Cranberry & Raspberry 750ml bottle
- Shloer Light White Grape 750ml bottle
- Shloer Light Red Grape 750ml bottle

Offer valid ONLY if 2 bottles are bought at the same time. Both products must be on the same receipt.

You can mix & match products or buy 2 of the same Shloer products.

Cash back requests from Waitrose won't be accepted.

Recommended retail price (RRP) is of £2.20 per product. The RRP is for information only and is subject to variation across retailers and stores. Maximum refund of £2.64.

The cash back will be credited to your nominated PayPal or bank account upon scanning the barcode of the product and presenting a picture of the appropriate product on the receipt (proof of purchase). The offer is limited to one cash back request per customer/ PayPal or bank account / email address.

This offer cannot be combined with other special offers and will be rebated providing the total cash back amount is not more than the final purchase price of the product.

This product is available from 11/10/2017, whilst stocks last and at a maximum deadline of 19/10/2017. This offer is subject to the availability of the product in the UK. Any cash back request should be submitted no later than 22/10/2017 and should abide by Shopmium's Terms and Conditions.

More info

Created from a blend of the finest fruit juices, deliciously refreshing Shloer adds a little sparkle to every social occasion.
• Non-alcoholic sparkling juice drink
• Made with real fruit juice
• Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
• Free from artificial colours, sweeteners, flavourings and preservatives
• Best served chilled

Cash back requests from Waitrose won't be accepted.

This offer is brought to you by: Shloer
See all the brand's offers

1. Purchase your product
2. Take pictures of the receipt
3. Get cashback!


Vicky over 7 years ago

Nice alternative to coke/lemonade and for the non drinkers

Beanna over 7 years ago

Great non alcoholic alternative

Joy over 7 years ago

Lovely for a treat that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Salina over 7 years ago

Lovely and refreshing glad they do light versions

Samantha over 7 years ago

Tasty and a nice non-alcoholic alternative

Irene over 7 years ago

A pleasant tasting non alcoholic drink.

Hayley over 7 years ago

Gorgeous, sweet and tastes surprisingly like a light wine. well recommended and defiantly buying again.

Katie over 7 years ago

Love all the different flavours.. nice and refreshing

Nicola over 7 years ago

Taste has changed slightly but still enjoyable

Mary over 7 years ago

Love every flavour from this brand