
Jude's Milkshakes

White Coffee 250ml

Salted Caramel Milkshake 250ml

Chocolate Milkshake 250ml

Jude's Milkshakes

White Coffee 250ml
Salted Caramel Milkshake 250ml
Chocolate Milkshake 250ml
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Jude's Milkshakes

Makers of deliciously smooth & creamy milkshakes, Jude’s is a family business dedicated to crafting products we think you’ll love.
Offer available at Sainsbury's stores ONLY.

Purchase dates

This offer expired on Thursday 22/08/19 - 6:00PM.

Offer terms and conditions

* : Offer ‘Try for FREE’: 100% cashback on 1 product’s purchase price. Valid for the purchase of 1 product only.

Offer valid from 21/08/2019 at 7:00 to 22/08/2019 at 18:00, and subject to availability at Sainsbury's ONLY.
You can request your cashback until 25/08/2019 at 23:59.

Eligible products and Recommended Retail Price (RRP) are as follows:
- Jude's Flat White Coffee 250ml (£1.50)
- Jude's Salted Caramel Milkshake 250ml (£1.50)
- Jude's Chocolate Milkshake 250ml (£1.50)

The RRP is for information only and the actual price is subject to variation across retailers. The maximum refund is calculated by the RRP plus 20% per product.

This offer cannot be used with any other promotional offer or coupon, and is subject to the Terms of Use.

More info

We're Jude's. A family business who love creating utterly delicious flavours. It all started with one man mixing and churning in his diary barn. His creations were lip-smackingly good. So good he gave them his wife's name, Jude. We've carefully crafted these smooth and delicious milkshakes to knock your socks off. Every time.

This offer is brought to you by: Jude's
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Gemma over 5 years ago

I really liked this was a good price and some of the profit goes to charity

Joshua over 5 years ago

Nice and cool. needs to be sweeter

Selina over 5 years ago

I tried salted caramel & it was delicious! just as good as the ice cream!

Graham over 5 years ago

Nice taste and very chocolatey.

Angelika over 5 years ago

Actually really nice, salted caramel is always good

Aline over 5 years ago

The taste is amazing but because it’s canned it tastes like canned. maybe another packaging would help.

Lauren over 5 years ago

Good, would like an iced mocha flavour in future

Sophie over 5 years ago

I love it! i'd say it's nicer than starbucks iced coffee

Deborah over 5 years ago

Great tasting drink, really enjoyed drinking it.

Derek over 5 years ago

One of best milkshakes have tried

Jude's Milkshakes